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Comparing XTM Cloud and MadCap Lingo

Which software is better? Here is a rundown of features and reviews to help you make your decision.

Name XTM Cloud MadCap Lingo
Review breakdown
(16 reviews)
(2 reviews)
Most helpful review
I must say there are many tools that are much better and more translator-friendly...
The tool has many drawbacks, i.e.: - it is very difficult to go through a translation and do global changes - there is no proper concordance search - the one there is does not open in a second window, but always takes you away from the phrase you are currently translating. Very annoying. - it is very difficult to maintain consistency across very similar phrases (often previous translations are not offered as fuzzy matches) - it is not possible to open two similar documents at once, i.e. you cannot refer back and forth between both of them - there is not proper speedy spellcheck function - you cannot display invisible characters (i.e. blank spaces between words) - there is no possibility for the translator to view the translation in final layout before handing it back to the agency/client etc. etc.
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Great tool, would recommend to all my colleagues, must have for Flare translation
Lingo is a must have tool for the proper translation of MadCap Flare resources. Lingo packages content from any of the programs in the MadPak Suite into a Lingo project which can be exported into XLIFF files so you can translate the files in the CAT tool of your choice. Then you simply import the XLIFF back into Lingo and you can export back to Flare. Lingo makes the process go very smoothly. Updates and project alignment are also handled very efficiently.
1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

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Product description XTM Cloud is a cloud-based, vendor-neutral Translation Management System with an integrated computer-aided translation tool that helps companies reach their global customers more quickly and effectively by streamlining and fully automating localization processes, while boosting their bottom line. MadCap Lingo is a translation management solution designed to assist technical writers, documentation specialists and professional translators in the translation and localization process.
Improve translation efficiency with a streamlined workflow using built-in Translation Memory technology (TMX support), detailed reporting capabilities, and advanced translation features such as alignment, termbases and more.
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Price $599.00 US
File formats ALL Microsoft® Word™ documents (no local install required) PowerPoint files Adobe® InDesign® XLIFF files HTM and HTML ResX files and much more!
License type Software as a service (subscription) Available as perpetual or time limited
Operating system Windows, MacOS, Linux, Windows 2000 Windows
System requirements Cloud based SaaS requires an internet connection and web browser Intel Pentium 4 or better processor 4096 MB memory (RAM) 400 MB available hard drive space Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition 4.0 -
No data
Supports standard file formats XLIFF, DITA, HTML, TMX, and TBX. Also all MadCap filetypes, SDLXLIFF, TTX, TXML, .resx, .doc, .docx, .ppt, .pptx, .fm, .book, .mif, idml, .dita, .htm, .rtf, .txt.
Support and upgrades offered/included Free upgrades for duration of license/Subscription Installation support, Free updates, but not upgrades, Free community support
Support and tutorial links https://xtm-cloud.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portals Product Overview
Free trial xtm.cloud/trial
No data
Languages supported All Left to Right and Right to Left

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